• Sat 26 Oct 2024, 20:36:56 IST
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  • Packed bed spray tower type Wet Scrubber with Water Circulation Pump
  • Cartridge type Bag Filter with reverse pulse jet cleaning device 
  • VFD for inlet and exhaust blower Motors
  • Solution Preparation Vessel with Stirrer driven by FLP Motor and VFD 
  • Flow measurement of inlet drying air using Differential Pressure Transmitter and Delta Tube
  • Humidity sensor for display of relative humidity inside the Pan Cabinet
  • Audio visual  alarm annunciation to be given when pressure drop across the HEPA Filter exceeds set point 
  • Provision of display and alarm through HMI to ensure the presence of negative pressure inside the Pan Cabinet by using necessary instruments including Differential Pressure Transmitter.
  • Indication and remote control of atomisation air pressure by use of analogue Pressure Regulator and Pressure Transmitter. The   atomisation pressure will be controlled from the HMI 
  • Pressure Transmitter for display of atomization air pressure and alarm when the atomization air pressure falls below the set point
  • Accessories for sugar coating including Piston Dosing Pump,By pass Damper, Syrup Distribution Nozzles etc.
  • Automatic motorized Dampers for inlet and exhaust air volume control from HMI
  • Measurement and display of actual flow rate of coating solution by use of suitable platform with  Load Cell for the Liquid Storage Vessel and Solid State Electronic Controller.
  • High and low level switch for water level control of the wet scrubber sump
  • Automatic Drain Valve for draining steam condensate from the HMI Operator Panel placed in the coating area
  • Flow switch to be provided on the outlet line from the Water Circulation Pump of the Wet Scrubber to provide alarm when there is no water flow to the Scrubber
  • Provision for monitoring pressure drop across the Wet Scrubber during coating operation and to provide alarm when the pressure drop is more than the desired level
  • Suitable Dehumidification System for inlet drying air by using high efficiency Chilled Water Coil made of Copper Tube with Aluminium Fins along with Moisture Separator and Bottom Tray for accumulation and draining of condensate.The Coil along with Moisture Separator and Bottom Tray with Drain will be housed in a S.S. 304 Cabinet coupled to the AHU.The Dehumidifier will be complete with inlet and outlet chilled water connections, RH Transmitter for indication of relative humidity  of the drying air.The absolute humidity of the dehumidified air will not exceed 70 grains per pound (Client has to provide chilled water at 7°C temperature at site for operation of the Dehumidifier) 
  • Indication of dew point of incoming drying air by using suitable Dew Point Sensor